Saturday, October 5, 2013

Outdoors with Literature

Guys, I apologize in advance for my "poetry".  I am not a creative writer.  Also, I am snarky, in case you can't tell from the poems.

Obvious Beauty
struggling to be seen
through the plain and dull
the plain and dull
has rugged beauty
it gives life
is that not more important than just beauty?

I haven't allergies--Thanks be!
Yet outside can still be scary
Creepy crawlies
Giant bugs, medium bugs, and small bugs.
Oh my!
Scary bugs and weird bugs and FLYING BUGS!
I think I lost it...

What would this be like with allergies?
Runny nose, foggy eyes
My eyesight is bad enough!
Is it time to go inside yet?

This may sound like the prairie was a traumatizing place; it really wasn't.
Also, I did not have to escape a bug attack in the prairie, but that has happened before.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you start off your poem with a contradiction: “Obvious Beauty struggling to be seen.” I think this is a really powerful line that holds some truth. Everyone thinks of the outdoors as a beautiful place, but when one takes a walk in the woods or prairie, the beauty can be both hidden and obvious at the same time. I also like how you described the prairie as plain and dull. I would have to agree with you on that. Yet, at the same time, there is a rugged beauty around. Your poem kind of circles around a little bit, with repetition of the same words in different lines, like “beauty” and “plain and dull.” From my own walk in the prairie, I think this is a neat part of your poem. I don’t know that you intentionally wrote your poem so that your audience would think this way, but the repetition made me think about how the same sights came up over and over during the walk. I also think that your line about the rugged beauty giving life is a great line. I see deer in the prairie all the time, and there is no shortage of bugs out there. The prairie, although sometimes dull to look at, provides something more than just a sight, it provides life. You hit on the bugs in your next poem.
    Your first poem also contrasts nicely with your other poems. They have a bit of a more casual, “get me out of here” tone to them, which is different from your first poem. The different styles were fun to read. Going from allergies to bugs makes it seem like you cannot escape the many haunting dangers of the dangerous prairie. It’s funny that you added the comment that the prairie was not a scary place, because it seemed like it was from your second poem.
